Monday, September 12, 2011

Day SIXTEEN: The Importance of an Earnest Breakfast

Do you know how many people "don't have time for breakfast?" Apparently a lot (or is is alot Grace?). According to the Center for Research of Non-Breakfast Eaters, a new local agency, spokesperson Jackson says,

     "It is an outrage at how many people skip breakfast thinking they have no time! Or they claim that they've had breakfast only to find out they ate a piece of  toast and a cup of coffee! Or worse, people say they are trying to loose weight so they skip eating breakfast. Obviously there is much work to be done to help the American public (most other countries get this right) understand the importance of having a REAL breakfast."

And what is "real," you say? Well according to the 4-Hour body you need 25-30 grams of protein. For me that typically translates into 3 eggs and 2 sausage. Now before you get your cholesterol panties in a wad, you can use an egg substitute. I use Costco's Real Egg brand or Aldi's Fit and Active brand as well.

And for you "isn't sausage filled with fat?" group, I use the Bob Evans Lean Turkey Sausage with under 2.5 grams of fat per link.

Then there are two more food groups that need to be represented: beans and veggies. the beans will give you some more protein and carbs...but low carbs...and carbs that are "clean" and will burn well. The veggies are a no-holds barred food group. They can fill you up and not add calories and fat, and are very low in carbs.

And remember...Zucchini Bread does NOT count for a vegetable! But thanks for trying Anne!

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