Sunday, June 10, 2012

On the Road Again

How's a man supposed to get to 12% if he keeps traveling to places with good food!? Simple: He is supposed to be super good in between trips! And I have been very good since Germany and France. I haven't posted since then but I've made good choices around what I've eaten and have lost the weight that I put on when I was frequenting pastry shops in Paris!

For example, my parent's were in town a few weeks ago and my mom and I went out to lunch. We went to Honey Cafe and I said NO to the sweet potato fires (as amazing as they are) and choose the grilled sirloin salad.

I was very tempted to enjoy one of their signature desserts - cupcakes, but decided that I could enjoy the cheat another day! And that day is here....

I leave Monday night for Ukraine where I'll be for ten days. I know from a trip there last year that there will be plenty of things that will not fit into meeting my goal of 12%. My plan is to eat as cleanly as I can, and then, when there is something that clearly is loaded with carbs and calories that I like, I WILL enjoy it...guilt free!

So check back after June 20, when I return, to see exactly what I'm talking about!