Sunday, January 1, 2012

Days 118-127: TEN in TEN

Flew in last night from out family vacation in Maryland. This morning I reluctantly stepped on the scale. We were gone for ten days and I managed to gain TEN POUNDS!!!

This should not come as a surprise as Deanna's mom likes to cook and we spent a lot of our time gathering as a family and EATING! I had told myself I just wanted to "maintain" through the holidays, but it looks like there was WAY to much cheating!

Given my love for sweets, it's no surprise that once I allowed myself daily (each meal even) sugar cheating that the pounds, and I'm sure body fat to move in the opposite direction of 12 Percent! I never thought that in just one week that I would be able to put on that much weight!

I worked out three times while away which is lighter than normal. There was plenty of sitting around playing games, talking, laughing, and eating! All good things...but as a result I've got my work cut out for me!

But I'll end on some perspective. This is a picture of Deanna and I with Deanna's 92 year old grand mom. She had us over for lunch before we left. She drives, shops, cooks (she's responsible for a least 2 of my 10 pounds!), has her own home, and has a sharp mind. I guess all this "march to 12percent" is only a blip on the screen of life. This women has eaten butter and bacon fat most of her life! Maybe she doesn't have "abs of steel" but she's doing pretty well!

That said, today is January 1 and I'm BACK ON TRACK!!! Protein and beans for breakfast! Look out 12percent - here I come!!!

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