Monday, January 30, 2012


In order to adequately celebrate my friend’s birthday I was obliged to take him to breakfast Saturday morning…AND…to have a meal with him Sunday evening! Thus my cheat “day” became a cheat “weekend” – and I can only hope that Don appreciates the EIGHT pounds gained in his honor! I am certainly blaming him!

Well, that is mostly the truth. The bigger truth would include the cookies I made and enjoyed,

 …the cookies my sister made and I enjoyed,
…and the cookies that Jan made for her open house and I enjoyed!

Perhaps the pizza for lunch and the squash soup made with half-and-half contributed…I know for sure that the rolls and butter at Sunday lunch helped me along.

What I know for a fact is that Rene’s fabulous Carrot Cake was the crowning touch to my weekend dedicated to kicking up the metabolism!!!
And I also know FOR A FACT that I will be super-uber-laser-focused on eating NO grains, sugars, or dairy this week! I fully expect that I will lose that eight and get to 160 by next Saturday morning!


  1. You can do it! Your body is burning through those calories as you type. It looks like those cheat pounds were well worth it.

    1. Thanks for the's a day at a time...and yes, those pounds were worth it!
