Friday, March 2, 2012

Vacation Diet

Speaking the sentence "I'm on a diet" in proximity to the sentence, "I'm on vacation" can cause people to assume the sentence "I'm on a vacation from my diet!" Au Contraire mon ami!

Deanna and I spent an absolutely fabulous week in Sanibel, FL last week. In years past that meant a lot of sweets from the bakery and desserts after lunch and dinner! This year we changed things up a bit and kept to the diet and enjoyed lots of al fresco dinning on our screened porch while enjoying our view of the Gulf (below).

So to fill you in on our week of how to have a vacation and still maintain a diet, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

A typical breakfast on the porch: massive quantities of sauteed green/red/yellow peppers with onion and a few eggs! (Note: Deanna has the toast and grapefruit...I'm a good boy and don't.)

A typical lunch: tuna with white beans, veggies, veggies, and more veggies. The side next to the carrots is a eggplant ragu! delicious!

Dinner of some yummy protein (like this garlic marinated pork), spaghetti squash and a side of veggies. Normally I don't have tomatoes, but when you're in Florida and it's 85 degrees, they beg to be eaten!

And finally a picture to prove that I'm not all talk. When I started this diet I knew that Sanibel was in my future and shortly before my goal date, when I was turning 50 in March. It felt good to be able to hang out on the beach as I approach 12percent! I'm not there yet, but it was inspiring to know that I can do this and still enjoy myself along the way. And that, after all is the bigger question of lifestyle eating as I past the  big 5-0 and have to decide if 12 percent will be a new normal or just a goal to hit and then go back to 20 percent. What do you think?

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