Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I LOVE my DIET (not)

OK, I need to be completely honest...on this Valentine's day when people are confessing their love for one another...or wishing they could or would, I need to tell you that I'm not feeling a lot of love for my diet these days.

As a matter of fact, last night I nearly left it...walked away...said it was too hard...she could keep the beans, 1/4 measuring cup, and all the veggies she wanted. I was tired of the constant trying to make this relationship work or giving up my wants and desires for her. Why does she get her own way anyway?!

But I was reminded by this little voice in the back of my head asking, "John, what do you want? What do you really, ultimately, want?" And the answer to that question kept me from slamming the door, jumping into the car and driving to Dunkin Donuts!

You see, what I REALLY want is to prove to myself (OK, and to you my faithful fans) that I can push my body beyond what I thought possible...to get to a place in my 50s where I don't need to hear the doctor scold me for being over weight. I want to walk on a beach with my wife and not have people think, "how cute of that father and daughter to be walking together!"

So while I may not be IN LOVE with my diet right now....I am COMMITTED to it. And for now that is good enough...it is keeping us together and I know that my emotions will come around, that I will smile about this later and be glad that I didn't let a hard day ruin all the work I've invested.

And on a final note...I love YOU my readers, whoever you may be, I thank you for reading my rantings!

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