Thursday, March 22, 2012

Seven Pound Drop

Since last Sunday I've dropped seven pounds! Now my son (no shirt) is quick to point out that "most likely it's muscle weight loss!!!" He's a wrestler, and apparently is an expert on weight gain and loss! But I beg to differ.

I've been working out all this week and I've been eating very cleanly. What is interesting is that I've had less or no beans with many of my meals. I've been wondering for awhile if changing up the Ferris "4 hour body" diet has run it's course for me and my body needs a shift. so ever so slightly I'm eating less or no beans. I'm still keeping the protein intake up and having lots of vegetables. But still no sugars (including fruit), dairy and wheat.

So a typical breakfast will be to sautee some bell peppers (I'm still high on the reds), some onion, drop in a few beans, and then crack two eggs on top and scramble. It's easy, fast, and hits the key elements to start the day right.

My goal at the start of this week was to get into the low 160s by the end of the week, and the scale told me 161 this morning! By Saturday morning if I can be 159 I'm going to have A LOT of fun cheating this weekend for my daughter's 21st Birthday!!!

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