Thursday, February 2, 2012

And While We're At It...

...we might as well blame this guy as well!

So what's my point in all this blaming? Simply this...that I'm a social eater. If no one is around I'm content not to eat anything, but put some good friends in the mix and have good food on hand and I'm there! So if you'd like to sabotage my goal just invite me over and have food on the table!

I've been trying to learn how I can be with others who are eating (more than me) and eat with them but not have to keep pace or surpass them. So last night at a dinner with three other couples I passed on the rice, rolls, and cookies. I had a generous salad and meat portion instead. I enjoyed their company and the food I had to eat. I didn't obsess over what I "couldn't eat."

After all, it's the people that I'm with that is most important...maybe if I am more centered on them and less on the food I can appreciate our time together. That being said, there is something magical that happens when we break bread together that I wouldn't want to loose. Hmmm, food for thought.

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