Monday, February 6, 2012

The Truth I Don't Want You to Know

Saturday was a sad day for me. Not totally unexpected, but sad nonetheless.

It had been a while since I was in the BodPod and I knew that since my last testing of body fat I had not been as stringent with the diet. I could tell that my clothes weren't as loose as they had been before and that my weight was up from the end of October.

My hope was that I would have at least held where I was...maybe gone up a little bit...but I was not expecting to hear FIFTEEN PERCENT!

What is interesting is that my measurements did not change that much...up an inch in the hips, down three-quarters an inch in the mid-thigh...

What is also interesting is that when we finished using the PodBod we did another body fat measurement tool called a "Skindex" that takes a reading at chest, abdomen and thigh to give a composite body fat score. Using that measurement I had 13.8% body fat. I REALLY like that measurement much better!

  10/29/2011 2/4/2012
weight 160 lbs 163 lbs
mid bi 13.25 13.25
waist 33.5 33.5
hips 37.5 38.5
mid thigh 21.75 21
% fat 13.8% 15%

While my first reaction was to go drown my sorrow in cinnamon buns, I pulled through and opted for a healtier solution - Peanut butter & Banana French Toast! I've been craving a banna, so I had two on my cheat day...along with OJ. I've never enjoyed fruit so much as on this diet since I only get in once a week.

Lunch consisted of pizza, trail mix, and pumpkin pie (Alex made it in his high school culinary class, so I HAD to try it). Dinner was a favorite - The Stalone Manburger and best ever fries from Jack Staw's. Dessert came later in the evening - icecream and cookies.

Sunday breakfast and lunch was strict diet since I knew that the Superbowl party that was coming was not going to be what I call a modle meal. And it wasn't! What it was...was loads of cheese, chips, dips, beer, pork, meatballs, more cheese, more beer, brownies, icecream, a few more chips...and a bit more dip!

All in all I went up 2.5 pounds for the weekend but I know that I'll drop it plus some this week. I'm prepared with my veggies for the week and am in my final push of this "greeat 12 percent experiment" that I started last August!

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