Friday, April 20, 2012

What Is Your Percent NOW!!!???

There’s been a lot of protein consumed since I last shared my thoughts on my journey to 12%. The big question, of course, is: “What is your percent NOW?!” Since I’ve avoided posting any photos of me you really have no idea! Well, those that live close by do and have observed that I’m looking “lean” (nothing like a good pair of jeans and sweater to make any man look lean!).

Ok, all jokes aside, it’s been awhile since I’ve stepped into the BodPod. At first that was because I refused to have another measurement until I KNEW that it would be lower than the last. With all my birthday celebrations…followed by Katherine’s birthday…followed by Easter…followed by eating the Easter candy…my confidence level has not been very high on the body fat side of things. However…and maybe more importantly I’m now in that thankful position of giving up one well warn belt hole to move to the next unused hole!
Last week I was in China and while I ate anything I wanted, I lost a few pounds. The typical Chinese diet is great. Loads of veggies, some meat, hardly any dairy or refined sugars! We were on the coast which meant lots of foods from the sea too.

I’m now back and keeping away from the beans, which still seems strange to me. I’m not doing any special cooking or recipes these days. I’m just piling on the protein source (mainly eggs, chicken, beef, fish) and veggies (mostly raw: beans, carrots, peppers, salads). I say NO to grains, dairy and sugars (refined and mostly to fruits). I’ve been having nuts now.

I’d like to get into the BodPod in one week to see how close to 12% I am, which means that I will enjoy my cheat day tomorrow (yes, I’m still cheating once a week) and then eat super clean all next week! Check back in a week to see if it is possible for this 50 year old man to inch closer to his goal!

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